Meet the Common Raven

The Common Raven (Corvus Corax) is a large bird that can be found in Western Maryland year round. The largest songbird, the raven’s wingspan can reach over 27inches. Ravens are very cunning and smart, and are able to create innovative solutions to newly discovered problems. Ravens are scavengers and their diet consists of whatever they can find, from small mammals and other birds to seeds, grains, and nuts. The common raven is recognizable by its all black coat and a large beard of feathers on their throat that makes their caws distinct from other bird species. Ravens actually disappeared from the east coast in the early 1900s, but is now making a comeback in our area. Ravens are beneficial for the environment because they eat carrion, which is a fancy name for decaying animals. By eating dead things, ravens encourage the cycling of nutrients back to the earth. To learn more about the Common Raven, visit: