Meet The Luna Moth

The Luna Moth (Actias luna) is a giant silk moth found in North America along the US east coast, Canada, and as far west as the Great Plains. This moth is exceptionally beautiful, with green wings and eyespots on their wings. As a caterpillar, the luna moth feeds on many native Maryland leaf species like walnut, sweet gum, and birch. And as an adult moth, interestingly, they do not eat. Most of their existence is spent in the larval and pupa stages, around a month’s worth of molting and cocooning, before the moth emerges as an adult and dies around 10 days later. Female luna moths lay their eggs on deciduous host plants which, in turn, the larvae will feed on in early life. Later these larvae will use the same leaves to build a cocoon out of. This is why keeping piles of leave in your yard and planting native trees and shrubs are very important for the environment. To find out more about the Luna Moth and to learn the importance of leaving leaves and brush for our local animal friends, visit

This Wildlife Wednesday provided by Zander Hine, Student Board Member