Native Plant Series: Moss Phlox

In 2023, along with all other 49 states and D.C., the State of Maryland has proclaimed April as “Native Plant Month”. In celebration, this year ACWA is highlighting native plant species that are better choices for a sustainable ecosystem, supporting numerous pollinator species, while also encouraging homeowners to remove aggressive invasive plants causing problems in our local watershed.


PLANT THIS: Moss phlox (Phlox subulata), also called creeping phlox, is native to Maryland and the Eastern states. Creeping Phlox is readily available at nurseries locally and the native plant makes a good substitute in color and ground cover. It works well along a  driveway, or sidewalk; as well as on a slope or retaining wall. It is a good replacement plant for Vinca major/minor, also known as Periwinkle. A popular planter vine, periwinkle has escaped yards and containers to become invasive throughout the Chesapeake watershed. If you have Vinca in your landscaping at home, consider removing the plant by hand removal, being sure to dispose of all broken vines. Spring is the best time to control Vinca. Learn more about invasive Vinca on the MD Invasive Species Council website.
Information about native Moss phlox can be found on the University of MD Extension website.

This blog series provided by Zander Hine, ACWA Student Board member