Seeking On-Call Monitors to Sample Local Streams


In the past, ACWA water quality monitoring has occurred in small coordinated groups on weekends or on Wednesday mornings. We would like to try a different approach with our Community Science Program by having trained volunteers keep sample bottles at their house and collect samples at location(s) close to their home at specified dates/times, including during/after storms. 

  • We will start with very simple sampling for water clarity (Turbidity - learn more about turbidity in this EPA Fact Sheet)

  • We will provide the bottles, supplies, training, and cooler (if needed). 

  • This is streamside sampling. You do not necessarily need to get in the water, but may be necessary depending on your location. No one should enter the stream above knee height for this effort.

  • You do not need to be tech savvy. But sharing a photo of the water at sampling time is helpful.

  • After sampling, bottle(s) should be stored in your refrigerator or a cooler with ice until drop-off/pick-up is coordinated. Samples are not time-sensitive but must be kept cool. 

  • The more volunteers, the more coverage we will have in the watershed & we may be able to coordinate sampling with other monitors in your area.

  • There is no obligation to sample every time we coordinate an event.  

Please contact us with the following information:

  1. Your address, & if you know, the local stream(s) where you can safely gain access (with permission, of course!). We will use your address to determine if your location is a good fit for the sampling program.

  2. Confirm a cell phone number that you are willing to receive texts regarding sampling OR if you prefer to regularly check email, provide your email address.

  3. If you are willing for us to share your contact info within our stream monitoring community, otherwise we will NOT share your contact info.

  4. If you know neighbors or friends that live close to a stream & might also want to be a volunteer monitor, please share this info with them.

Send questions and the above information to

We will reach out to you to discuss the program and coordinate next steps.