ACWA joining SALT-WATCH to monitor Road Salts in our creeks


Road salt can have a huge impact on our streams, its critters, and you!


ACWA is gearing up for Road Salt season…that is, our Community Scientists are readying for road salt/chloride monitoring!

Applying road salt is important for helping people travel safely in the winter. But the salt and other deicers do not stay on roads: it washes off into streams, where the chlorides in the deicers damage the quality of our drinking water, road infrastructure, and hurts organisms that aren't adapted to life in salty environments.

ACWA Community Science volunteers will be monitoring our local streams for road salt (chlorides) and sharing the data through a program called SALT-WATCH by the Izaak Walton League of America (IWLA). Our monitors will use the free SALT-WATCH kits and easy instructions to measure chlorides in their local streams and submit their data to our coordinator or directly to the Clean Water Hub database.

Throughout the winter ACWA will also be sharing resources and tips on reducing the impacts of road salts and deicers. An online workshop for smart salting practices will be scheduled as well. During Winter Salt Awareness Week 2025, which occurs January 27-31st, national and state speakers livestreamed by Wisconsin Salt Wise. (See

What can you do?

Watch for future announcements for additional resources and outreach events about winter road salts and deicers on our social media sites and website.