How to save PawPaw seeds + find local drop off locations.

As part of the Maryland 5 Million Tree Initiative, the Maryland Forest Service is collecting Pawpaw seed to grow into seedlings for future tree plantings. Pawpaws are the largest edible native fruit found in the United States. They are pollinated by both beetles and flies. Pawpaws (Asimina triloba) are an important part of the forest ecosystem because their fruit provides food to many wildlife such as birds, black bears, raccoons, opossums, deer, foxes and squirrels. Zebra Swallowtail butterfly larva also eat the leaves.

The State Nursery will accept whole pawpaw fruit to prepare for nursery planting, however we understand lots of folks would prefer to enjoy the pawpaw fruit themselves and save the seeds.


Pawpaw seeds in storage with dampened paper towel

Download our fact sheet HERE for instructions on how to process the pawpaw fruits to properly clean and store the seeds to donate to the State Nursery, which will be placed in cold-stratification storage for planting.

This year, we will be accepting properly processed and stored pawpaw seeds for delivery to the State Nursery.

Local drop off locations & times are:

  • Friday 9/6 8:30am-Noon, Riverbottom Roaster cafe, 10212 Governor Lane Boulevard #1008, Williamsport. Either Susan or Anna will be there to answer your questions.

  • Saturday 9/7 thru Wednesday 9/11 7am-7pm, self-serve drop off cooler at ACWA Tree Nursery Barn, on Crickhollow Farm, 20464 Beaver Creek Road. Hagerstown.

  • Wed 9/11 5:30-7pm during the Redbud seed collection event at the Springfield Barn in Byron Memorial Park, Williamsport

The last day to accept seeds is September 11th since all seeds will be taken to the State Nursery immediately thereafter. If you have any questions about pawpaw seed saving, feel free to contact Anna Twigg, DNR Tree Planting Specialist