Meet the American Redstart

The American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla) is an active bird that looks a lot like an oriole to the untrained eye. Redstarts are a member of the family of warblers and they are found in moist deciduous forests - often very close to streams and rivers.They mainly feed on insects found in trees such as leafhoppers, flies, wasps, moths and beetles. They will also eat the berries and fruits of the forest in late summer. The American Redstart migrates to southern states and to central America in the winter but spend their spring, summer and fall in more northern areas, extending all the way into Canada. In recent times of dire climate change and severe drought, the American Redstarts food has been more scarce and the species has needed to move southward for breeding seasons. To learn more about American Redstarts, visit:

This Wildlife Wednesday post is provided by Zander Hines, ACWA Student Board member